Home Away From Home for Doggies

5(1 Reviews)


491 Akolea Rd, Hilo, HI 96720


We are conveniently located for easy delivery on your way off Island. Reservations required but we will be awake to welcome your dog before the first flight out any day. Rates are affordable at only $1 per hour. per dog. Small dogs will be given an indoor loft area and will have twice a day outside play time in a fence off area of our yard . Larger dog will be given a 10 by 10 or a 4 by 8 kennal depending on size or number of siblings. Kennals each have off the ground beds and large pillows. Every dog will have out of kennal time. This time may be spent on an 80 foot runner, in a fenced area or joining my dogs for a walk. Food options include your provided diet, dry kibble or dehydrated raw dog food at an additional cost .


  • is owned by women

Listing Info

Current as of October 20, 2024.


491 Akolea Rd, Hilo, HI 96720