Opportunity Barks Behavior & Training #3
For almost 20 years we’ve been teaching people in the Philadelphia region how to share more of their life with their dogs by helping them raise and train puppies or get things back on track with behavioral challenges. Whether you need help with your baby alligator or need some fresh eyes on a plateaued problem, let us put our massive experience to work for you. ✨ At Opportunity Barks, we offer a lifestyle approach to training. Whether you work with us in lessons, drop-off training, boarding school, or classes, we focus on teaching humans how to communicate so you can get to the good stuff for a life well-lived with dogs.
Additional Offerings
- Dog day care center
- Pet trainer
- Private tutor
- is owned by women
- has restroom unisex
- welcomes LGBTQ
- is transgender safespace
38 S 3rd St, Philadelphia, PA 19106