SouthPaw Training

5(1 Reviews)


17003 Cowan Rd, Alvin, TX 77511


We do Basic Obedience working with a work to earn method, using a reward system. The class uses our book written to follow our program "Give Your Dog a New Leash on Life". It is a fully illustrated book to get you on the way of getting control of your dog and taking responsibility for helping him/her to have manners and is socialble. We no longer do group classes, instead we are doing private class in-home. The training book may be purchases at Amazon. We no longer work with aggressive dogs. If you are interested in our training, give us a call 832-722-7044.


  • has wheelchair accessible parking

Listing Info

Current as of September 30, 2024.


17003 Cowan Rd, Alvin, TX 77511